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The Independent Agency Advantage!
Independence Means CHOICE!
Buying insurance online in 15 minutes sounds nice, but is it really worth it? Studies show that in most cases, it is not. Research has shown that the average consumer spends four hours researching insurance online.
Another study showed that 80% of people who shopped online for insurance purchased offline anyway. And, over 60% of those going offline to purchase used an Agent in-Person, while 31% purchased through a local agent over the phone. (comScore, Inc., 2011)
Why Go with Centurion?
· Your Centurion Agent knows the “ins and outs” of insurance. You get the coverage you need without paying for things you don’t.
· One phone call can get you quotes from multiple insurance companies. Our agency represents many different insurance companies. Because of this, Centurion can help you find which insurance carrier is the best fit and best price for you. Instead of spending hours comparing companies on the internet, call us and get quotes from multiple companies.
· KEEP YOUR BUSINESS LOCAL! Get friendly and trustworthy service from someone who lives right here in the Tampa Bay area.
· If you have a claim, your Centurion Agent is there to help. When the unthinkable happens, who wants to call into an 800 number and talk to a complete stranger? We live where you live, and we are here to answer your calls!
· Save time when you handle all of your insurance needs in one place. Home, Renters, Auto, Business, Commercial, Contractor, Dental, Health and Life Insurance. As well as Medicare and Senior Plans. We also specialize in Final Expense Coverage, to allow your loved ones to take care of your final arrangements without depleting the family finances.
· These extra advantages don’t cost more! We do the work for you! Our Client and family member. When you conduct business with us you automatically become a member of our family!